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Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook

We’re off to find a field with no phone signal but good vibes, where we can lay in the grass and feel our minds melting into the undergrowth as we exit real life and enter an out of body dream space.

Our latest collection, Field Trip, explores the kaleidoscopic world of psychedelics, venturing into our unconscious minds to create pieces that reflect the trippy visuals we found there. And the characters we found, too, including illustrator Wakana Yamazaki’s little meditating mushroom man, who is totally zen and thinks you should join him in trying headspace whilst on shrooms. Weird offer. Maybe we’ll take him up on it…

Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook

We’re off to find a field with no phone signal but good vibes, where we can lay in the grass and feel our minds melting into the undergrowth as we exit real life and enter an out of body dream space.

Our latest collection, Field Trip, explores the kaleidoscopic world of psychedelics, venturing into our unconscious minds to create pieces that reflect the trippy visuals we found there. And the characters we found, too, including illustrator Wakana Yamazaki’s little meditating mushroom man, who is totally zen and thinks you should join him in trying headspace whilst on shrooms. Weird offer. Maybe we’ll take him up on it…

Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook
Lazy Waves: Field Trip Lookbook