The only thing we love more than chips, taking the piss, and getting a full 8 hours is collaborating with a fellow small, creative business. And after a few years of mutual stalking and admiration, we finally got together with the neighbouring North London independent, Good Daze, to create a small but super special collection of jewellery pieces (that are handily here just in time for gift giving season).
Because we’re nosy and love nothing more than wasting hours by watching ‘how it’s made’ videos, we asked Rosie if we could pop by her house to check out her studio, to see where the pieces were made, and ask about what it’s like running a small business.
Hey Rosie, Thanks for having us in your studio! How are you doing?
I’m really good - I’ve been busy, but it’s been a really exciting year. I went full time with Good Daze this time last year, and I couldn’t be happier.
We’re super excited to bring the collab out into the world! It feels like it’s meant to be. How did it come about, and how has the process been for you?
I actually wrote to Gemma, the founder of Lazy Oaf, back when I started my brand in 2017. I sent her a piece because I’ve always loved Lazy Oaf, and I just wanted to be like, “I love what you do, I’d love to work together in some capacity.” And since then we really gradually grew a relationship - it’s felt really organic and lovely - then this year it was finally the right time, and the collaboration came to fruition.
Talk us through how you came up with the ideas for the pieces, where did you draw inspiration from?
It was really important to me that the pieces are timeless - that’s always a focus for me. And I think the bear is such a classic Lazy Oaf motif as well as the Happy Sad face, so it was a bit of a no-brainer. And I think, for example, with the bear hugging the heart ring, it’s also subverting vintage, 90s jewellery, which is always really fun.
Do you have a favourite piece from the collection that you’re excited to start wearing?
I would say the bear ring; it’s really nicely chunky and it’s kind of classic but still fun, and that’s what both our brands are all about.
Can you talk us through the creation process? What are the key steps?
I design everything here in my studio, first using hand drawn sketches and then converting these to 3D designs using a CAD software called Rhinoceros 3D. I love that software because it really lets me focus in on the details. Once I’ve done that, I send the designs to be printed in 3D wax and then cast in metal. These prototype pieces get sent to me so I can check them out and make any adjustments to the original file - sometimes I do four or five rounds of changes - and then once they’re perfect they can be made and sold!
Tell us about your space - what’s your favourite thing about it, and the worst thing?
My favourite thing is the big window. I love having the light coming in, and I love having a little bed under my desk for my dog to sit in. But the worst thing, which is weirdly also the best thing, is working from home. Because although I love it in some respects, it also does get a bit isolating some times. It’s quite nice to have people to bounce ideas off and when I’m at home that doesn’t happen.
What are three things that every jewellery designer needs in their studio space, in your opinion?
Definitely tools - pliers, everything like that. Also sources of inspiration - I’m a big fan of Crap Hound editions which are great to flick through when I’m feeling really uninspired. And also just things that make you smile and feel positive.
How long have you been creating jewellery for, and how did you first get started? Do you remember the very first piece you designed?
I studied jewellery design at uni and when I left I went straight into the commercial side of the industry, so I’ve been doing it professionally since 2015. And the first piece I ever designed was during my foundation year, and we were encouraged to design the most wacky things. So my first thing was more like body sculpture rather than jewellery, and it was definitely a bit weird. I’ve become a lot more commercial since then.
What made you want to choose jewellery as an art form, over others?
I really love that jewellery is ephemeral, and I think it’s something that holds so much meaning and so much sentiment, and if you ask anyone about any of the jewellery they’re wearing they’ve always got a story or something to say about it. And I really like that it’s so treasured, and held really dear to the wearer. It’s like wearable art.
On wearable art, that’s really true in the dog rings you create with engravings of people’s pets. What made you want to create personalised pet designs?
Vivi was definitely my muse. When I got her, my first dog, I thought I just needed to combine my two loves; jewellery and my dog. And I think any fellow pet owners will get it when I say you just want your pet to be everywhere. And I always aim to make things that people will wear and love forever and I think if it’s got your pet’s face on it, you definitely will.
Are they super popular?
Yeah, they really are. And we get a lot of strange pets - we’ve had a chicken before, and we get birds, rabbits. The more weird and wonderful the better.
How do you get into the zone when you want to start designing new styles/pieces? Any creative rituals you have?
I usually find that I will do a load of research, then I’ll step completely away and go for a dog walk or have a bath, just anything completely different, then that’s when ideas come to me. That’s sort of my ritual, and usually it does work.
Do you have a dream project &/or collaboration?
I mean, I’m still working on my first dream collab, which is this one! Once this is over maybe I’ll have some other ideas, but honestly, for the past five years this has been my number one dream. I’m still pinching myself about this one.
When you’re not busy working in your studio, what’s your favourite space in the house?
Whatever space is in the sun. Or wherever the dog is.
Describe your ideal Sunday afternoon?
Dog walk, roast dinner, bath and probably planning my week ahead, so I feel prepared.
Thanks so much for having us Rosie! When can we see you soon, do you have any pop ups coming up ?
Yes! I have one at the end of November, the 19th - 27th in Shoreditch. It’s called The Jewellery Pop Up…I know, very original name. But we’ll be there the whole time, and there will also be other brands rotating each day.