Adventures in The NEC.

Adventures in The NEC.
clothes-show.jpg Wowza, so late last week we finally got back from the Clothes show, but I think it's only now that I have only just about recovered. We had a crack team of oafettes at the show and left Gill, Shevonne, Kate and Zoe to man the office and stores and to get all your internet orders out! Thanks Guys. So the clothes show was even busier than last year, which was a good thing but I think all of us have now developed calusses, blisters and a hatred for purple carpets and Ziggy from Big Brother (he was there, and we were in the purple zone). clothes-show-2.jpg We had a mega stand this time round and Zoe and Sarah made some very fancy Lazy Oaf Bunting, and we had a very special counter made by Liam Bigmore. clothes-show-3.jpg We also brought along our mannequin, franketta, who it seemed Becki was getting a little too fond of, as we kept catching her holding it's hand. It's strange. clothes-show-4.jpg The Show was 6 days long and it seemed like each day was getting busier and busier. By the end we had all got very tired and would sit around in the evening crying at "don't tell the bride" on the telly while eating fun sized twixes. But we were still happy inside. clothes-show-5.jpg We brought along our donuts to the show, and everyone got super excited about the 'kinder surprise'ness of these cute critters that one customer bought 7! We also opened one of the secret donuts by chance, and had to take a picture, as it was a special moment in all our oaf lives. Well the end came and we packed up all our oaf things, which thankfully wasn't as much as we had arrived with. While waiting an eternity for Papa Oaf to be let into the Lorry Park, Sarah took an oppurtunity to have a nap in the new roomy counter. clothes-show-6.jpg I have to say a massive thank you to Mum and Dad and all the Oaf team including Rosy for helping us out with this mammouth event. Until Next time xx