AW'13 Staff Picks: James

AW'13 Staff Picks: James

Continuing with last months staff picks, this week we are going to be filling you in on what our newest recruits at Lazy Oaf HQ are wearing from our AW'13 collection. Today we have our Menswear Press and Marketing Coordinator James Rees who is wearing the Squirrel Sweatshirt from our winter collection. He is dressing up as Charlie from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia for Halloween.


What are you wearing from AW'13 Collection?

I'm wearing the Squirrel Sweatshirt, I'm a big fan of American sportswear inspired pieces and the chenille lettering on the arm is a really nice touch.

Other than being our Menswear Press and Marketing Coordinator, what roll do you play within the Lazy Oaf office?

I've started in the deep end working on the Looney Tunes collection release which is pretty intense so I haven't yet had the chance to find myself a random office role, I'm good friends with menswear designer Jake so I guess that's a job role in itself.

What is the most interesting thing you have done at work today?

Today we went down to the Warner Bros studios for a meeting about the Looney Tunes collection, it was pretty cool to walk around their offices and see a load of old movie props and promotional items, we found a life size Taz and Tweety in a cage which I planned to take for my living room, I did not succeed.

What was the last Snapchat you received?

My friend Jessie inviting me down to her closing party tonight at Boxpark. She makes some pretty sweet flower arrangements under Impossibly Curious and has had a pop up space running all week with some other cool pieces.

Halloween is coming, what are you going as this year?

Me and Jake were going to go as Walt and Jessie from Breaking Bad but I think that might be an obvious choice so I might go for Charlie from Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia in the Night Man Commeth episode.