
It's taken me ages to do this blog what with experiencing a massive flood in our stock room and several other nightmares to boot. In March I packed up my not quite so small suitcase and headed to destinantion Berlin alongside Chris Knight (Concrete Hermit), and Ian Stevenson for Pictopia, a conference organised by the very lovely people behind pictoplasma. This was a 5 day conference all about character design, including an amazing exhibition, talks, workshops and a character walk. As well as this there was much beer swilling, cheese throwing and russian dumpling eating. Pictopia was a bit like stepping into a land that disney forgot, where the disturbed cousins stay. I loved it. As soon as you walk in there was a playground put together by Friends with you which included a bouncy castle type thing, yipeeee! I managed to catch a few talks my favourite of which was by Gaston Caba who had a cat hat and finishd with a song. I think I fell a little bit in love. The exhibition featured a lot of great artists including Ian Stevenson going to check out his own work. Below are some of my favourites by Ben Frost, James Marshall, Boris hopppek, AJ Fosik, Tim Biskup and Doudouboy. Aswell as the conference there was the character walk, where a lot of galleries around Berlin held character exhibitions, unfortunately we didn't get round to many as we were all too easily distracted by food and drink, sexy pigs and soft toys (that would be just me). Well fun was had by all! it was nice to meet new people and good to have some time away from computers and Tyra Banks on Living TV. Looking forward to next time!