hello there

hello there
i-heart-berlin.jpg Wow, I had a fantastic time in Berlin. Alas I was there only a short time but I managed to squeeze in mucho fun along the way. The exhibition was set up on the friday with the help of the very glamorous Antonia from Gal Institut, and the launch night kicked off around 8ish, but in true Berlin style it got busy quite late, by which time I had consumed many a beer and was singing along to madonna tracks (there may also have been some dancing ). street-art.jpg We later went to a very hip bar where champagne flowed freely the rest is a litle bit of a blur. The next day was marked for finding bargains a go go at the flea markets. mmmm wasn't feeling too hot that morning, but on my travels I saw some ace street doodles then my camera battery died. We found some great stuff for our new shop! oh yes, you heard that right. More about that next time rat fans. xx