I Heart Drawing

I Heart Drawing

So it happened - The Lazy Oaf Drawing  Club officially launched on Thursday 23rd April and my oh my did we have an AWESOME time! Alongside exhibiting all the drawings we had kindly been sent prior the the event, we also plastered the walls with our very own customised picture frames ready to be filled with all of your eager doodles. And after looking at all the drawings done on the night, we have come to the conclusion that pretty much all of you are a big bunch of insane sickos - well done! Live drawing went on all night with some of our favourite drawing friends John Slade, Ian Stevenson, Gemma Correll, Joe Baglow and Hannah taking part. Check out the beauties they whipped up below.

Gemma Correll

Ian Stevenson

Eddie Fett

Joe Baglow

John Slade

A big thank you to all of you who came along, sat at a table, picked up a Posca and got doodling. Our favourite works will be posted online for all to see next week so keep an eye out.

May we also say a big thank you to our guest DJ's Lydia and Ian from BITE who treated us to a delicious selection of tunes on the night sending arms swinging and knees knocking; especially Cannonball by The Breeders, oh yes!

All photos will be posted on Facebook and Flickr in the next couple of days.

Make sure you turn up for more event fun in the future
