In our new home

In our new home
Well, we are all moved into our new studio. It all feels a little weird being in a new place. But we have natural light which we were all lacking in the last place! It also feels a bit like we have invaded someone's TV set, it looks too nice! Anyway, I'm slowly making it more oaf like, but I thought I would give you all a little sneak peek at how it's looking so far! What has changed my life is the addition of a coat rack, no more running over coat arms with my chair, can't believe I never invested in one of these before, saying that it was free! Thanks Aunty Jo! My mug is also a little bit chirpier in his new home. We have a new member of staff, this is Hetty and she is going to kick dirt's ass and pick up my dribbled crumbs, someone's gotta do it. We have had loads of fun prepping for MJ day tomorrow! I'm so excited! See you there ! x