In store only!

In store only!
We have some brand spanking new products for you, they're exclusive to our Lazy Oaf store just off Carnaby street. We are all going loco over them and we think you might to! They say dogs are mans best friend, here's the proof. Cable dog is a bendy, rubber little Dachshund that can secure your wires, cables and much more. He's more flexible than Madonna in spandex. If you're in the know like us then you'll have heard that bobbing for apples is pretty 2009. So for a new game this Halloween we've brought you 'Stack the Bones'. It's like Jenga but bona-fide (sorry). Sticky star notes! Because they look better than a yellow post-it. Despite what you may think, you're never too old for a pencil topper, whether it's a chewed up troll, a holiday souvenir, or in this case a spooky skull eraser. Always a winner! We have a limited number of these bits so if something has taken your fancy you best get to the shop quick sharp to avoid disappointment. See you soon! xx