it's here, hoooraaaay!

it's here, hoooraaaay!
shop-1.jpg it's here, it's finaly here, phew...... We have been slaving away for the past three weeks getting our new store ready for our fellow oafs and oafettes to come visit and sample our very tastey wares. I am worn out but a little tearful with joy at how it's worked out, hell I would shop here maybe even live there. The shop is on the ground floor of Kingly court smack bang in the middle of Carnaby street in the big smoke. Some of our new neighbours are VANS, Marshmallow Mountain (fabulous vintage), and playlounge. The inside is looking very snazzy, it's amazing what you can do with spray paint there's a giant block man in the middle (my favourite bit), a massive lazy oaf doodle and lots of sparkly treasures to be found from the likes of Lady Luck Rules Ok including her new fabulous valley girl hair bands and the new atomic collection, we also have hand printed monsters and cards from Rachel Ortas, piano key belts and limited edition duudleville tale books to mention just a few things. shop2.jpg Not only all this but this is the place where we have launched the new Lazy Oaf collection first, which includes some super cute puff sleeved polos with a bambi print, and for the oaf's there are some rock n roll inspired t-shirts that have a whiff of spinal tap about them. if you can't make it to the store don't worry about it, it will be available online in the next 2-3 weeks. The shop is open mon -sat 11-7pm and sun 12-6pm. Please pop in and say a 'hello' to us we're very friendly and we don't want to get all lonely and stuff! Hope to see you soon shop3.jpg