Just right for Crimbo!

Just right for Crimbo!

We have added some new catagories to the shop today to help make xmas shopping a little easier for you. We have "Xmas stuff for Him" and "Xmas stuff for Her" and also "Stocking Stuff" for all those little extra's that promise not to make your wallet wince with pain and hunger. To help give you some ideas here are some of the new things we have just had in! We have got the ever so DAHling Knitted Bow scarves that promise to keep all girls' necks nice and warm whilst looking super lady all for £18.50. bows.jpg Next up is a gift that will help organise a loved one's forth coming year in a spine tickling spooky fashion. This Spooky Calender for 2008 features twenty-six new ghouls, ghosts and fiends who have sprung from the wild imaginations of designers from around the world.t Misleadingly sweet by day, these sprits are transformed by glow-in-the-dark elements at night that reveal their scary side. Every two week there's a new large-format page. _spook.jpg For all those Girl's on the go we have some new Travel pass holders. These make the perfect companion for your oyster card and will keep you looking cool amongst the Rat Race! _-pass.jpg The new KidRobot Keychains make a great stocking filler for the oaf's in your life, attach each one to your keys, or pop his head off and detach the key chain and sit him on your shelf to keep you company! At £4.00 each they really are a perfect cheapo pressie for your annoying brother. kidrobot.jpg A great way to treat your Litte sister are these snazzy new Bobby Pins. Or if you know anyone with an overgrown fringe or foppish hair, these will make the perfect accesory to jazz those styles up for the Crimbo doo's. bobbypins.jpg Also new for the Oafette's in your life is this new Music inspired wallet at £22.50. Not only does it have a silver foil printed front but it also has a detachable Cassette coin purse inside....probably the best thing my eye's have seen. tapes.jpg Finally for all those that know someone into Swallows, and we all know someone! We have some new swallow inspired products, an acrylic swallow necklace and a Swallow bag charm/ luggage tag. Well I hope some of these take your fancy!? If not why not take a look at the other products for him, for her and stuff for stockings. xx