Lazy oaf monsters

Lazy oaf monsters
llimedmonsters.jpg Hello folks. meet my new gang of critters, we have created a very limited edition run of some hand made lazy oaf monsters! Each one has it's own dirty tale to tell. i-burped-and-chewed.jpg There is I burp who has a terrible problem with oral wind, it is best advised for him to stay away from fizzy pop or we will all suffer. He struggles with this awful flatulance and it weighs heavy on his mind as it does in the air. Underneath he has a good heart and looks after injured birds. I burp likes to watch x factor and cheer on the under dog, he has a phobia of large shouvel like hands. Then there is Chew your insides too who lives in quite a nice little house in a cul de sac. He has done quite well for him self over the years, his only set back being his name which he views as a curse as he is a strict biscuit only eater and is really not a menace at all. He loves to ride bikes and collects eraser shavings. He dislikes trainer socks and doesn't understand why there is such a thing as chocolate flavoured rice cakes. cherry-cotton.jpg Meet Cherry Munch Munch who lives in the woods and often overdoses on old episodes of emmerdale. As you may have guessed it's favourite food is cherries but also likes a good bacon sandwich on a sunday after a heavy night. Cherry munch munch hates shoes that are done up too tight and the music of R Kelly. And last but not least is Dot the Cotton Grrr a fearsome monster that likes to lurk behind trash cans. Like her counter part in Eastenders, Dot the cotton grr has a 60 a day habit and a penchant for the odd twin set. Dot the Cotton likes the launderette and the smell of lenor, and has a love hate relationship with heroin addicts called Nasty Nick. These are all limited edition runs of 4, apart from Cherry Munch Munch as there is only one. They all measure 30cm x 22 cm. They all need homes, so go on be kind, they are monsters in need.