Lazy Oaf on Tour!

Lazy Oaf on Tour!
Each January and July the Lazy oaf team pack up our suitcases tight and make our merry way to the trade shows Bread and Butter in Barcelona and Who's Next in Paris to show off our newest collection before anyone else gets to see it! Check out the snaps we took at this seasons January shows including pics of some of you guys wearing your very own Lazy Oaf buys and looking pretty god damn good in the process. Also have a gander at our stand at Bread and Butter that we pain stakingly covered in card bricks backed with plenty of double sided tape. The idea was based on our latest flyer and included a big, nosey felty fox. Eeeeek look at what we had to sit next to at Who's Next - yes a massive bath filled to the brim with Haribo strawberry's that we just couldn't stop eating..... And finally I couldn't resist putting this one in of us out with our francais friends modelling our extra special GIANT deidre's. Will you be my American Boy?

Have a very looooong weekend and don't forget about our new goodie bags and jewels.