Let's go through the key hole with Fred Butler

Let's go through the key hole with Fred Butler
Portrait of Fred Butler by Edmunds and Rodgers. Shoe made by Andy Macgregors Welcome to our latest blog feature: ‘Let’s go through the keyhole’ where we are going to be delving through the lives and studios of our favourite creatives. First up we have bespoke accessory designer and prop maker Fred Butler. Fred has been on our radar for sometime now. She combines her love for colour, nostalgia and origami to bring us an array of unbelievably intricate constructions that transform any body part into an instant work of art. Her geometric head pieces and neck accessories have been graced by the likes of Lady GaGa and La Roux and just about every in-the-know fashion mag and blog wants a piece of her with Style Bubble, Dazed and Confused and Vogue amongst her fans. Stepping into her studio is like entering a magical world of lost and found and once you’re in there you’ll never want to leave. It is packed head to toe with the most mesmerising selection of inanimate objects including a large collection of tape, tasty looking jars of multi-coloured thread and a corrugated cardboard cuckoo clock. We threw a load of questions at Fred Butler to find out just what it’s like to live and work in a world of shnicklle schnackle. So Fred introduce yourself (what's your name, where do you come from, what do you do)..... Fred Butler, Essex, I make nice things and make things look nice. What is keeping you busy at the moment? A main dish of my accessories collection, a side order of random commissions, an accoutrement of paperwork and pudding of blogging. How would you describe the space that you work in? Alice in Wonderland on crack - think Lewis Carroll a la Jefferson Aeroplane In what ways do you think your creative space effects your design process? Would you say it was more of a distraction or inspiration? Absolute inspiration when it's functioning and a game of kerplunk when it's not. In your studio there is a massive paper shoe, a gem encrusted lobster and a giant puppet man - where do you discover all of this amazing stuff? That's a perfect summary of my studio mates - the shoe is Andy Macgregors, the puppet is Andy Hillmans and the lobster is mine.  We are all prop makers so each accumulate a myriad of mystical shnicklle schnackle to decorate the place. Is there one picture up on your wall at the moment that keeps catching your eye? I have 2 permanent pictures for continued visual nutriment - the Clifford Richards poster that planted the cosmic aesthetic seed when I was a child and my parent's wedding photo which I guess literally planted the seed.........LOL! What is your most treasured possession? My space as a whole - my studio is my life and if I had to give it up I would literally give up. What has inspired your designs recently? It’s a never-ending life game of origami.......... Are you enjoying anyone else's work? Check out my blog for a daily dose of my discoveries............... www.fredbutlerstyle.blogspot.com (can't blame a girl for a blatant plug!) When you were younger what did you dream of being when you grew up? A fashion designer. Where is your favourite place to hangout? Wherever my friends are (however a place of note is "WorkIt" a club night usually held in some sweaty basement in East London) What snack/beverage is keep you going in your studio at the moment? I'm addicted to mango.  I lived in Harlem once and learnt how to dissect one to perfection - I am a mango master.  Other than that my aunt occasionally delivers her bakery exploits which can be an orgasmic cheesecake (although I doubt she refers to it with the same description) What is your dream holiday destination? Somewhere far, far away from the grey of London.............Mexico, India, Brazil, Japan............heck, I ain't fussy......... You appear to have one killer wardrobe but what has been your best outfit to date? I had to attend a reception at No.10 Downing Street for the opening of fashion week which stated "Loungesuit" on the invitation.  I opted for a rainbow tassel mini dress by Scott Ramsay Kyle and Balenciaga Lego Stilettos (both generous gifts I hasten to add!).  I spent the entire time stricken with paranoid panic that I was going to fall over and flash my smalls. To find out more about the wonderful world of of Fred Butler you can follow her on her blog at www.fredbutlerstyle.blogspot.com
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