Mallet's Mallet!

Mallet's Mallet!
timmy-1.jpg I was very excited at what the postman came carrying today! My very own Pinky Punky mallet from Timmy Mallet! For some reason I was googling Timmy Mallet and found his offical site, with loads of Mallet merchandise, his hobbies, pics etc. I couldn't resist purchasing this nutty number! This mallet is Fresh. timmy-2.jpg Check it out I also got an autograph, this is getting framed. autograpgh.jpg For those who don't remember, Timmy Mallet hosted wacaday and the wide awake club, maybe the best kids tv ever. The highlight being Mallet's Mallet of course. Here are the rules... timmy-3.jpgtimmy-4.jpg We had a sneaky game...So much fun! Someone bring Wac A Day back. playing!.jpg