Meet NYC Model and Writer Sanam Sindhi shot by Naomi Wong

Meet NYC Model and Writer Sanam Sindhi shot by Naomi Wong

Get to know our latest summer muse, writer and model Sanam Sindhi, AKA trustmedaddy for any of your who follow her Instagram, home to beauty tips and witty captions that'll keep you scrolling for hours . We teamed up with London photographer Naomi Wong who shot Sanam in and around her home in New York wearing her favourite pieces from our summer collection. Join Sanam as she shares secrets about the perfect eyebrow arch, dream croissants and taking the ultimate selfie. Get your notebook ready. 

Introduce yourself

I'm just a regular shmegular degular girl. I write and model but I guess I'm still figuring out what I do forreal/what I'm passionate about.

What's your beauty routine before a big night out? 

Firstly, a disco nap. Depends on how much time I have to get ready after that. Hair, makeup, usually a really casual outfit. IDK I'm super lazy so I spend most of my time on my make-up and then just throw everything else together in a rush.

How do you create the ultimate eyebrow arch?

I have a natural arch in my brow but if you don't then Anastasia Dipbrow is your friend!

Talk us through 3 tips to taking the perfect selfie.

1. Look cute. 2. Don't think about it too much. 3. Natural lighting is the most flattering.

Where would we find you on a Sunday afternoon in NYC?

In bed, probably nursing a hangover, smoking weed, binge watching bad reality TV and waiting for my food to be delivered.

Where should we go for food when we're next in town?

Cafe Rue Dix in Brooklyn is my favorite place right now. I also live for a sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant from literally ANY bodega in NYC. Oishi Sushi, Dough, C&C Prosperity Dumpling on Clinton St, Nobu in Tribeca if you're feeling bougie, dollar pizza, I could go on and on and on.

See more from Sanam at @trustmedaddy and follow Naomi's photography at @naomiwongo.

Shop the Summer '16 collection now.