Meet the Model: Kyle Forde

Meet the Model: Kyle Forde

He is stealing the spotlight with his winning afro in our Autumn '13 Lookbook and now we are letting you know a little bit more our latest menswear model Kyle Forde. We chatted to Kyle about his addiction to Reece's Cups, his obsession with watching Grease (yes THE Grease) and his dream date with Jennifer Lawrence. Photography by Leonn Ward.


I'm originally from...

Heritage wise Trinidad, but I was born in London.

If I could be anywhere in the world right now it would be...

Morocco, Agadir.

When I am not modelling you will mostly find me...

Coming up with inventions that may never work.

At the moment I can't stop eating...

Reece's Cups The film I have watched too many times is...

Grease. I think I passed the 200 mark when I was 14 and I've lost count from there.

The song I can't stop playing at the moment is...

Steely Dan's - Do It Again.

My life would suck without...

Reece's Cups! The word I use too much is...

Yes... It's my downfall.

If I could go on a date with anyone tonight  I would pick...

Jennifer Lawrence!  Not much else to be said. 5 things I am loving right now...

The recent heat wave.

Indochinese food from the Banana Tree Restaurant.

The new phone charging docks in black taxi's.

Not studying.

Orange is the New Black (Y) 1 thing that really pisses me off right now...

Oyster card machines in shops because they stop working at 12 midnight...Tube stations are closed so how's anyone supposed to get anywhere if we can't top-up?!

My favourite thing from the new Lazy Oaf mens collection is...

The Bits N Bobs long Sleeve Shirt.

Whales or sharks?

Okay I'm not being awkward but Whale Sharks (Y) Late nights or early mornings?

Easy. Late nights, who likes early mornings?!

Bus or tube?

I like to use the tube by day, it gets you where you need to be fast but the bus at night. London is such a great city to see at night.

Stage dive or stand at the back?

Definitely stage dive.

Doritos or Pringles?

Doritos Tangy Cheese flavour.