Meet the Winner: Karin Soderquist

Meet the Winner: Karin Soderquist

After falling in love with her cycling tiger selected as the winner for the 2009 Lazy Oaf Design a T-shirt Competition with MySpace; we couldn’t wait to meet illustrator Karin Soderquist and she certainly didn’t disappoint – we just have so much in common. Like us, she loves dogs, drinking lots of tea, wearing stripy tops and anything that’s a little bit strange. Find out everything you need to know about our T-shirt winner in our Lazy Oaf Q&A.

What was your first reaction when you found out you were the Lazy Oaf Design a T-shirt 2009 winner? I was really excited! I jumped up and down and clapped my hands, then I danced around my tiny flat for an hour. How did you come up with the idea of the tiger? I've been drawing a lot of white tigers lately. I'm not sure how it started, but one of the reasons I find them fascinating is because they're freaks of nature, they're not really suppose to exist. Were you inspired by Seigfreid and Roy? Yes, a little bit maybe. What do you get up to in day to day life? I'm usually at uni (i'm a student at Camberwell college of arts) or at home drawing or painting, listening to lots of music and drinking lots of tea. My boyfriend works in a cinema so I get to see a lot of free movies. Describe your illustration style? Playful, clean and irresistible. What inspires your illustrations? Anything and everything, usually stuff that is a bit weird. In a fight who would win - cats or dogs and why? In the fight over my heart a dog would win. I want something small and adorable, maybe a dachshund. But I love cats too, my family's always had cats and now I feel like a traitor for saying I want a dog. Who would you like to play you in a film? Louise Brooks, if she was still alive. What is your favourite biscuit? A Swedish biscuit called Ballerina. It's a vanilla biscuit on top of a chocolate biscuit with nougat in the middle, very tasty! Who is you hero? Buffy. What do you collect? I used to collect snow globes from different places I visited but I had to leave my collection in Sweden when I moved here. I own a lot of striped shirts, does that count?

Karin’s Bicycle Tiger will be available to buy on T-shirt for girls and boys in the next couple of weeks so keep your eager eyes peeled. x