new in to oaf towers

new in to oaf towers
new-in-ani.gif Well, this week saw the arrival of some of the best cotton shoppers ever! These cotton totes come in three colours. Each one has a smiley face and a 'bonjour' greeting. These bags are a great to combat the plastic bag mountains that seem to occur in kitchen drawers. It's small enough to fold up and put in your handbag too. three-bags.jpg Also new in. are some new pass cases. There is a bunny and a cat, each one is furry and has compartments for your travel passes or ID. If you have always kinda fancied carrying a small pet around in your bag, this is the perfect oppurtunity. You don't have to walk or feed these critters. Yes, they are inanimate but I like to think of these as real....I think I need a holiday. Anyhoo snap these up now as we only have a few!