new new new new new

new new new new new
we-are-awesome.jpg Hooray for new things! Well folks it's here, the new stuff is finally here and boy have we got some sweet treats for you oafs and oafettes alike! I'm twitching with excitement at the new look site, i'm loving it and I hope you are too! For the oafettas out there, the new collection includes some super cute puff polos with a starry bambi print, a homage to tigers.....grrrrrrrr on sweatshirts, oh and lady like necklace t-shirts in new ice cream inspired colours. girls-stuff.jpg For the Oafs out there we have some rock n roll inspired t-shirts that have a vague whiff of spinal tap about them. Also on the men's side are some t-shirts inspired by the 'oh so friendly hello pencil', and also worth a big WORD UP is the music braces t-shirt go check it out, this will inspire the inner rock god in you, be prepared to do a little spontaneous air guitar on first viewing. mens-stuff.jpg I hope you enjoy our fancy new look, please let us know your's always nice to get feedback grease out xxxx