Nice Buns

Nice Buns
When our incredibly talented chocolate making friend Lucy of Creighton's Chocolaterie told us she was going to be making burgers we got pretty excited. But nothing could have prepared us for the beauty that is these layered chocolate creations complete with cheese and that all important slice of tomato. And what makes it even better is that a limited amount of these delicious delights are going to be available to sample at our 10th anniversary party next week! We cannot wait. Each burger comes neatly assembled in its own box above and you can order one now on the Creighton's site for £5.00. We're also going to be handing out these dripping bite size burger chocolate lollies also available online for £2.00. Saving the best till last, we can reveal that Lucy Vanilla is going to be making us our very own Burger Birthday cake. A slice of this will literally be like gold dust so expect a food fight. Don't forget we're giving 100 of you the chance to win tickets for you and a friend to our 10th anniversary party next Thursday. Click here to find out how.