In preparation for London Fashion Week which kicked off yesterday, we had our own Carnaby Catwalk last Saturday. The street turned into a massive runway, music was pumping and beautiful skinny people were strutting angrily, though a smile was cracked out when a girls hat blew off. Three stylists each put together a collection of outfits using only clothes that can be bought in the Carnaby area. Which means lots of Lazy Oaf! Our fave collection was by stylist and fashion magazine editor John William. Not only for featuring a selection of our most desirable oaf items (though obviously it helps) but also a swanky pair of rainbow spray painted shoes and beaded dungarees that will always win us over. Here's our Palm trees crop matched with a pair of high wasted shimmery chinos along with our poncho sweater peaked out at the back. And our Perry pattern tee with blinged up denim. In the shop we also joined in the fun, 10% off everything, lots of balloons (any excuse) and we papped our fab customers in their own oaf wearing glory. Good old Mr Fez popped his head in and destinations looking good with all black. The classic rainbows are shit (are they really) tote with button down slob. And goofed top under a great cardi. To see the new AW11 collection come and visit the shop, say hello and get some oaf goodies!!!