Oafest Winner !

Oafest Winner !

Last month we launched the festival competition to headline all festival competitions . The Oafest Festival Giveaway was a simple show and tell, with the lucky winner taking home £1000 worth of festival essentials. Including gifts from Lomography, Batiste, Cat Footwear, Donna Wilson, Spangled, Anorak and many more. Entrants uploaded an Instagram picture of their essential festival item, tagging @lazyoafs, & #oafest. The hundreds of entries had us laughing, smiling, reminiscing,  but most of all envying all you field loving freaks and your eclectic collections of festival garb! Whether you cant survive Summer without inflatable friends, home-made hats or that all important hip flask, we can all agree that our winner @pukepie has captured the care free spirit of summer festivals. Spending hazy days in a field full of mates, plastered in sharpie tats sounds good to us! What can we say, we have a soft spot for chicks that draw. Big congratulations to @pukepie, and a huge thanks to all that entered. See some of our other shortlisted entries below, and make sure to check out our festival edit in time for Glasto! ------------------------------- From L-R - @iamamiiammax "This authentic pink Chinese back scratcher. Especially perfect for that very last festival day when every single part of your body aches, you just want to go home to your mom and to make it even worse, some unreachable places of your body are itching because you haven't showered for 3 days!" -@chingchingg "Redness overload" -@m4ddiewatson "Alcohol, beauty, skating, hulahooping, glitter, photography, cats, dancing shoes, scents..." -@eeenz "A chic raincoat" -@eeuji "#myotherhead #noonecanseemegurn" -@sara.susan " FESTIVAL ESSENTIAL !!! All together: #oafest, #frenchfries, #bom skirt, sporty socks, basket #beers, #cactus, water proof skirt, cheers sunglasses, wallet #hamburger ... and search my #littlemonster!