la-em-est-le-god.jpg Yo Oafers! Tis time for more competition fun! This time we challenge you to set out into the wild armed with a lazy oaf garment, and photograph yourself, in surreal, magical, or faraway places. Try and get yourself into a tiny tiny cupboard or perhaps climb a big ol' mountain and capture the oafness up there?! Or maybe a picture of you with two big thumbs up, a la chimp below. bonjour.jpg We want really unique photos, so no smuttyness though, we sneer at that kind of thing. Keep it clean, but weird and fun! How to send in your magic: Send in your offerings to in JPEG FORMAT, file size should not exceed 700kb, please, thank you kindly! As we recieve them we'll whack them up on the blog for all to view! The Winner gets the amazingly magical prize of a free t shirt of their choice (and the shiny smugness of wining), plus three runners up will recieve an equally amazing/magical goody packs, stuffed with oaf greatness! Hurrah! The Deadline: 16th September. Now go forth.... and say cheese. saved-by.jpg