See You Next Tuesday: Carter Family Portraits, Cat Fashion Week & A Cool Board From Goodhood.

See You Next Tuesday: Carter Family Portraits, Cat Fashion Week & A Cool Board From Goodhood.

Welcome to this weeks latest installment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we have been addicted to The Carter Family Portraits, Shake Shack, a Cat Fashion Week and some goods from Goodhood. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS.  The Carter Family Portraits. Ever wondered what Jay Z, Beyonce and their newborn Blue-Ivy would look like if they we're re-imagined into famous classic oil portraits? Silly question, of course you have. Well thanks to the powers of the internet you no longer need to imagine as you can now check out the current list of Carter Family Portraits online here. There's a fair few but our favorites have to be Beyonce as Anne Boleyn, Jay Z and Beyonce as American Gothics or Kanye and Jay looking suspiciously like they belong in the Sistine Chapel. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Burgers are good. We finally got round to checking out the semi newly opened Shake Shack in Covent Garden at the weekend and our tummy's gave us a high five for doing so. Although the menu is a bit limited in it's variety of burgers (in comparison to some other fast food burger joints) the thick hand-spun shakes and cheese fries were some of the best we've tasted in a while. They also have some snazzy canine treats which Oaf-dog Bob gave a 4/5 paw rating. Interested in watering your mouth some more? Check out the full menu online here. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: Sort of skating with Goodhood. London based store come lifestyle brand Goodhood celebrated their 5th anniversary with this pretty rad wooden laser etched skateboard deck. Available as an art piece rather than something you can actually skate on, this beautifully etched creation could transform your living room from lame to sweet in approximately 1.7 seconds. Speedy. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: CAT FASHION WEEK. Maybe the caps-lock is a little too much, but after stumbling on Oyster's post on the recent Kitty CATure Fashion Show in New York we were slightly amazed (if not a little weirded out) at seeing a whole bunch of felines take to the runway in a host of ridiculously great outfits. We decided we enjoyed 'Sir Fluffington' the most, with a top hat on you can't get any classier, and he knows it.