Welcome to this weeks latest instalment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we have been stuffing our faces with Little Debbie cakes, wanting to wear novelty festival hats and wishing we could feed lions. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: Dancing with Miley. If you haven't seen Miley Cyrus' performance at the VMAs then good for you. We unfortunately can't help but get sucked into a story like this and while her performance definitely wasn't for everyone, we did enjoy BuzzFeed's response 22 Things Miley Cyrus Looked Like at the VMAs. We particularly liked the comparison to the almost-forgotten Rugrats doll Cynthia and the reference to Regina George's mum. You girls keep me young. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Little Debbie Has a Snack for You. We love it when our staff travel around the world doing trade shows, mainly because it means they bring tasty treats back into the office on their return. This week these came in the form of the hallucinatingly sweet Star Crunch Cookies and Cosmic Brownies by Little Debbie bought back from Las Vegas by Shevone. We had one for breakfast, shhh don't tell our mum. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: Feeling Hat Hat Hat. If there is one place where you can get away with wearing a novelty hat then it has to be a festival and after a weekend at Reading, we found ourselves strangely drawn to some of the more eccentric head wear on offer. It was a smurf hat in the toilet queue that caught our eye so once back at a computer, we did some brief research and came across Desert Diamond Crochet, a handmade hat maker dedicated to turning our favourite cartoon characters into knitted head wear. Luckily these are made for babies else we'd probably be ordering the whole lot. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: This Place is a Zoo. We love going to the zoo like the next person but sometimes we can't help but think it's a little bit cruel to lock those poor animals in cages and have people gawping at them all day. So, to give us a humans a taste of our own medicine, New Zealand's Orana Wildlife Park offer a really wild experience where they lock 20 people up in a cage and invite a group of lions to come and check them out, lured in by the zoo keepers with slabs of meat. If you're in the UK you can get a similar experience but with penguins at Longleat Safari Park. We know where we're going at the weekend.Â