Welcome to this weeks latest instalment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we have been feeling sorry for the guy dressed as Pluto, mistaking legs for sausages and mistaking dogs for lions. Actually that wasn't us. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: I'd rather watch paint dry. We love a good online list and one that stuck in our minds this week was Hiring-Hubs Top 12 Weirdest Jobs. Before last week it hadn't crossed our minds that it is someone's job to sniff arm pits, boil hair or watch paint dry. We also suddenly have a new found respect for those poor Disney characters who have to dress up in a heavy suit in 30 degree heat and pretend to be happy all day for Disney fanatics like us. So next time you're hating on your job spare a thought for the person who has to boil hair in a container or errrm extract semen from a pig. Yeah. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Telling porkies. This summer we have had a weird craving for frankfurters, particularly after viewing Instagram. We weren't sure why this was until we saw Tumblr's latest success story Hot-Dog Legs making us realise that all those sun-bed-leg-selfies our friends have been posting from their holiday sun loungers look remarkably like a pair of sausages. The challenge now is to work out who's got a real tan and who's faking it with a jar of frankfurters they picked up in their local Spar? 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: Flipping your fins, you don't get too far. We don't know about you, but ever since we watched Little Mermaid as a child we have been longing to grow a tail and swim the seas like Ariel, combing our hair with forks. This week it was bought to our attention that artist Jason C Woodman is turning this fantasy into a reality by wearing his very own custom made oil slick tail. Who knows, maybe a mermaid/man tail will feature in the next Lazy Oaf collection? 4. MEDIA MATTERS: Tibetan Massif. Last year we were stunned when we found out about the worlds most expensive dog, the Tibetan Mastiff, boasting a potential price tag of £1 million, but nothing could have prepared us for last weeks events.  A Chinese zoo in People's Park of Luohe had this very breed disguised as an African lion and it wasn't until it barked, as dogs do, that the visitors of the zoo began to realise that it definitely wasn't the lion they had paid to see. There were also rumours that the zoo were trying to pass two sea cucumbers off as snakes. We don't know what to believe, we just hope the dog, and cucumbers, aren't going through too much of an identity crisis.