See You Next Tuesday: Kitties, Pickles and Kanye

See You Next Tuesday: Kitties, Pickles and Kanye

Welcome to this weeks latest installment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we're purring over cats dressed as Hello Kitty, filling our faces with mega meat sandwiches and wishing we had a spare $120... 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: Hell-no Kitty. Mixing up the balance from our usual dog obsession, this week we're favouriting cats, specifically ones dressed up as our favourite feline Hello Kitty thanks to this montage put together by Lost at E Minor. Unfortunately the cats don't look like they're enjoying it as much as us. 2. FOOD FAVOURITES: Caught in a pickle. Lazy Oaf staff Shevone and Jake are currently living it up in the The Big Apple AKA Sandwich City and they have definitely been making the most of what's on offer. A favourite has come in the form of these Brisket of Beef and Pastrami and Cheese (with a healthy side of pickles) sarnis from New York's infamous Katz Deli Sandwich Bar. Yes that's the same Katz Deli featured in When Harry Met Sally, but we don't think we'd be ordering one of these mega mouthfuls on a date. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: $120 for a T-shirt, that's just some ignorant b****ch s**t. This week we were desperate to get our hands on one of Kanye West's Plain White T-shirts priced at a pocket-friendly $120 (£80) but they sadly sold out in under 24 hours so we'll have to wait until next season. You can make your mind up about whether this is a genuine entry or not. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: McDonalds Ride Thru. We're all animal lovers in the office so when we found out that a woman had been fined for taking her horse into a McDonalds restaurant in Greater Manchester we were outraged. That's until we saw what the horse did on the restaurant floor. Horsey run free through the meadows where you belong, McDonalds is not a safe place for you to be.