Welcome to this weeks latest instalment of See You Next Tuesday where the Lazy Oaf team fill you in on the things that have caught our eye or got us talking in the office over the past 7 days. This week we are empathising with Sam Weir, wanting the wardrobe of a four year old and getting prepared for a pug tsunami. 1. INTERNET SENSATIONS: feelings suck i wish i was a bagel. It might have starred dreamy James Franco, Seth Rogen and Jason Segel, but if there was one character that really stole the show for us in US hit TV series Freaks and Geeks then it had to be the ever-doubting Sam Weir so this week we were pleased to discover we weren't the only one who felt his woes. Making us laugh into our laps on Sunday evening were the tweets coming from @ughposts reminding us of those awkward school years. With posts including 'u dont look like 200 likes in person', we're kinda glad Facebook didn't exist when we were at school! 2. FOOD FAVOURITE: Feet for thought. Not content with owning a pair of Nike Air Max 1s, now you can actually eat a pair thanks to these chocolate sculptures made by Joost Goudriaan. Replicating every element of this popular shoe, Joost has created a series of 10 unique variations of chocolate Air Max's made possible by Rotterdam's Chocoholic. Definitely one for the Christmas list. 3. WINDOW SHOPPING: Wang-derful. Fashion week has arrived and aside from spotting all the celebs who attended the Opening Ceremony show, the highlight for us has been the amazing outfits to grace Alexander Wang's adorable niece Alia Wang, AKA the best dressed 4 year old/human being know to man. Proof that the best things come in small packages, Alia's sock/sliders combo and miniature handbag with an even more minute purse attached to it is perhaps the best thing we have seen all year. This girl has got many bright years ahead of her. 4. MEDIA MATTERS: Puggle puddle. Hide your cats, hold your hoods, leave your cars and make a run for it as the pug tsunami is coming and he won't stop at nothing to get that giant bone. Aggghhhh.