Spring Summer 08

Spring Summer 08
IT'S-HERE.gifHOT-DOG.jpg It's here! Whoop x a million. We have a whole lot of new designs in store now! It's taken a wee while but the new collection has arrived and we have the bruised arms to prove it. This is our biggest and bestest range to date. So please let your eyes soak in the bright and bold wonderment and get busy clickity clicking. Have a quick look below for a quick sneak peak. DONUTS.jpg Who Doesn't like Donuts? New York Cops eat them all the time and can still catch bad guys. I prefer Jam filled ones, Jam always oozes out the end onto my top, a bit like I have been shot, thats what I tell myself... ILOVELONDON.jpg Well I was born and bred in the big smoke, and it's true I do love London, I do like other places too, but not as much. FRENCH-FRIES.jpg Food....mmmmm. French fries the perfect accompaniment to well, anything. There is also a 'french' french fry with a beret in this print. GRRR.jpg How about scaring the bejesus out of friends with the Werewolf tee, you can also growl at strangers or learn the Thriller dance in this. If it upsets you then you need the Cry Baby T-shirt. PREPPY.jpg This T-shirt is inspired by the many hours I watched Saved By the Bell and dreamed of going to an American High School. This tee also has a squirrel crest, I don't know why, I just like squirrels. BONJOUR.jpg Hello to you! Greet friends of all nations with out even having to open your mouth, just point to the appropriate phrase. Below is a quick look at all the tee's in the new collection, there are loads of other colourways too available in the online shop. block-1.jpgblock-2.jpgblock-4.jpgblock-5.jpg