Here at Lazy Oaf HQ we are busy putting together issue 3 of our biannual Magazine releasing in April 2014 to accompany the launch of our SS'14 and forthcoming collaboration collections and we want you to be involved. Over the next seven days we are asking you to submit photographs as part of our Pretty Ugly Competition. We would like you to take photographs of weird and wonderful things that catch your eye in everyday life. We're looking for the extraordinary within the mundane. Our favourite entries will be showcased in issue 3 of the Lazy Oaf magazine that is distributed internationally. Submissions must be sent to jake@lazyoaf.com with a few words about the idea behind the photograph and a little bit about yourself. All submissions should be sent in either pdf or jpeg format. We would also love for you to share your entries on Instagram using the #uglyoaf tag. There is a limit of one entry per person so it's all about quality over quantity. All entries must arrive in Jakes's inbox by Wednesday 19th March 2014 so hurry up and get searching, snapping and sending.