Yay! Our Kingly Court store has re-opened and it looks swanky! It's been three weeks in the making and after lots of paint and hard work from our amazing builder liam and sean we opened our doors on Thursday for an evening of fun, beards, frolics and cider.

Before the makeover the store was looking a little shabby and needed a lick of paint and new lease of life. We decided to go all out and do it in style. We deigned new units and shelving and I got carried away with a set of shelves that make a face (with a bow tie). I had my heart set on some perspex light up letters too, which almost financially crippled me, but they are worth it.

Ta Da! This is the final result! Check the lights, woo woo.

All us Oafs have been working real hard up till the very last second before opening, no time for sit downs. Zoe and her magic skills got some lazy oaf creations into 3d format by plushing her heart out. We had wolf heads, monster arms, rainbow raindrops, dismembered limbs and an amazing new curtain for the changing room!

we also had a selection of some choice tee's from the new collection not available anywhere until the end of April!

The dismembered limbs filled the windows including a wolf leg wearing a sports sock and loafer combination.

We had pink felt as blood...yum!

The wolf heads model our range of sunglasses in store. Each one has a name, from top left: Arthur, Crazy Stu, Ac Slater, Daz, Barbera and Neil. They all have history too! Daz and Neil work in IT and drive a fiat punto with go faster stripes round Bracknell center point on tuesday evenings. I could go on, and on...

I freaking love these so much, if only i could marry inanimate objects. We could have baby letters.

I also went and had these super duper Lazy Oaf mirrors made!

We opened at 6pm on Thursday evening and by 4.30 there was a que outside! By 5.45 it streched pretty far. Which made me feel a bit sick with nerves and worry.

We handed out some of our Lazy Oaf cut out beards to the people in the que, so they had something to stroke whilst waiting for the doors to open.

Once the doors opened it was mayhem! People snapped up our new goodies and modeled some pretty amazing beards and came wearing some lazy oaf tee's and sweats!

We had a huge amount of cupcakes all decorated with moustaches and beards which seemed to go down a treat! Big thanks to my Mum and dad who made them!

The theme for the evening was of course Bearderama, we asked people to come wearing a beard of sorts, and we certainly weren't let down! Thanks to everyone who came down that eveing, we had a ball and hope you did too.
Check out our favourite beardie weirdies! The best one wins £50 worth of goodies, but I think we will have to have a few runners up!

I have to say a massive thank you to all the Oaf's at Oaf towers, Sarah, Katie, Zoe, Alex, Zena and Shevonne. You all worked super hard ! Big thanks to Liam who made what started off as an idea in a cardboard box a reality. And last and not least big whoops of thanks to the Oaf Folks for all the manouvering and calming me down.
Check out the new look store at Kingly Court, Carnaby street. We are open Mon-Sat 11am-7pm and Sun 12pm-6pm.
Lazy Oaf xx