The Monster Burp show

The Monster Burp show
mb_1.jpg Wow I love monsters. The Monster Burp exhibition launch was a huge success, thank god! I was having anxiety attacks and haunted dreams that I would have no artwork and no one would turn up to the big night and in turn people would spit at me in the street for being a loser and shout cuss words at me. I needn't have spent so much time worrying it was great and loads of fun. We had loads of submissions of critters and monsters in all different forms which made the exhibition more exciting and charming to the eye. Submissions flooded in from all over the world. From Austrailia, the US, Italy, France, Germany and lots of our home grown UK talent. Of course everything ran a wee bit last minute (there is never enough time), but by about 6.15 the doors opened to let the waiting public in for the first butchers at the goodies on display. And time for us to arrange our cake tray. We did special goodie bags for the first 100 people to rsvp, which we gave out on the night. These all included yummy packs of monster munch and a whole bunch of lazy oaf goodies. It was great to meet a lot of the artists in person on the night for the very first time. I hope you all had a nice time. I did manage to do alot of talking on the evening. So apologies to anyone I might have cornered with my spoken drivel. mb_2.jpg It was a bit difficult to snap the exhibition on the opening night as there were to many bodies in the way, so I had to return the following day to take some piccies of it all in place. mb_3.jpg Below here are all the submissions for our exhibition for you to enjoy with your eyes if your legs couldn't get you to the show. I have to say a massive thanks to all of the people that contributed and joined our monnster gang. You and all your things made it look amazing. Thanks and hope to do it all again some time soon! mb_5.jpgmb_6.jpgmbx_7.jpgmb_8.jpgmb_9.jpgmb_10.jpgmb_11.jpgmb_12.jpg I also need to make a special mention to my amazing helpers, Tunch, Lyndsey, Becki, Sarah, Katie and Mama Oaf. Cheers peeps, I would be in a limbless heap without you (not sure what that means). Thank you to all our contributors, if you'd like to see more of their work, follow the links below. Peskimo, Ian Stevenson, Jon Burgerman, Andre Rae, Squink, One Side Zero, Jilf, Andy Forshaw, Heidi Kenney, Jenny Harada, Bob London, Hello Von, Phil Corbett, Gemma Correll, Shawnimal, Garth, Concrete Hermit, Andrew James Jones, Jennifer Strunge, Will Ainley, Emily Forgot, Donna Wilson, Hideki, Joe Rodgers, Kipi Ka Po Po, Oliver Hibert, Mr Penfold, Andrew Ainger, Clare Nicolson, Keeki, Joe List, Pippa, Tegan, Lindsay Taggart, Dr Dinnermint, Lola Sample, Laura Russell, Rob Flowers, Rosy, Ginny, Sarah Bishopp, Steven Mcvay, Hannah B, Zena Mckeowan, Jonas Ranson, Arran Ridley,Benedict Siddle, Lizzie Hall, Becky Smee