Too cool for school?

Too cool for school?

Aaaah it's everyone's favourite time of year again - exam results are here! Yes many of you over the next couple of weeks will be finding out those all important results that define your future...or do they? Here at Lazy Oaf we do think it is important to work hard but how much have the grades we earned at school changed out lives? Did our A-level marks open doors for us or was it university that allowed us to get to where we are today? Check out our self-made school reports below to delve into our academic past and discover the effect it had on our future.

So if you're feeling a little bit deflated after not receiving the grades that you wanted then just remember that while they might seem like the most important thing now, they are not what define you. One thing that all of us Oaf's have in common is that we all did art foundation courses after school, now we're not saying that this is the answer to all your prayers but if you are a creative person this is great way of trying out lots of different artistic styles and finding out your strengths. And remember, education isn't all work, these will be some of the best days of your life so make sure you have plenty of fun and don't be afraid to burn the candle both sides! If you're looking to congratulate someone on their results then why not give them a big thumbs up with our latest card: