Top Tips: Museum der Dinge

Top Tips: Museum der Dinge
After working at Bread and Butter last week, Katie and I were treated to one full day to explore the city of Berlin. Aware we had barely even enough time to scratch the surface, we planned a standard tourist day involving a visit to The Jewish Museum (amazing architecture), a trip round the department stores of Friedrichstrasse (including the Ritter Sport chocolate shop, mmm) topped off by a lavish meal in the traditional German restaurant Prater (hello mustard mash). Although all these activities were great, we were keen to go slightly off the beaten track so when we found out about The Museum der Dinge we were instantly sold. Located on Oranienstrasse in the Kreuzberg district, Museum der Dinge is certainly a hidden treasure. Placed on the fourth floor of what looks like an old library, the museum is a fine example that all good things come in small packages. The Museum of Things is packed head to toe with over 20,000 objects addressing issues of usefullness with themes such as funcitional vs kitsch, good taste vs bad taste and black vs white. Divided into two rooms, the museum is filled with cabinets containing an array of objects collected over the past century. Being fellow kleptomaniacs, Katie and I quickly found ourselves lost in a wonderful world of polly pockets, type writers, biblical memorabilia and novelty food packaging. This is a representation of my childhood in one photo - Polly Pocket, Tweety Pie and those amazing clown scissors (even if they didn't really cut). Can anyone remember what these are? Classic Fisher Price phone - still have one of these in the attic! My favourite section of the museum was the cabinet filled with all the different characters advertisers have used to sell/promote their products to us over the years. Definitely evidence that everything looks better with a face. 'If we want to discern good taste, we must eliminate bad taste.' Definitely the funniest part of the museum was the exhibition Evil Things - An Encyclopedia of Bad Taste. This profiled a large collection of objects brought along by members of the public that they considered to be of very poor taste. Best cat toy ever? Certainly the scariest. A mouse dressed in a knitted toilet roll holder dress was the ultimate in wrong, closely followed by a camel foot candle holder. Definitely want to get my hands on a pair of these kicks. So if you ever happen to be making a trip to Berlin then we recommend that you pay Museum der Dinge a visit and get ready to take a trip down memory lane. To find out more please see their website x