Valentine's Special: What Are You Wearing?

Valentine's Special: What Are You Wearing?
What are you wearing? is usually something you get asked by creeps in chat rooms but the clothes you choose to dress yourself in could have a big impact on your chances in love. So with Valentine's Day taking over our week today the Lazy Oaf team are letting you know what outfit would get our thumbs up on a date this Thursday. We hope our tips will help you impress that special someone. JAKE: I would like my valentines to be wearing a Alicia Silverstone in Clueless disguise. Failing that a girl with those on her feet (trainers above) would melt my heart. I'm also partial to a bit of pink hair. STEPH: A front bike light. Romance is dead and I need a new one. GEMMA:

I hope that my valentine would wear shoes but as time goes by I am getting less fussy, I would date a hobbit. If I could request a pair then it would be these (above) with an appropriate declaration of love for me. JERRY: My Valentine simply has to wear some plaid to get my seal of approval, I particularly like it to come in form of a red and black wool jacket. Then he can carry me through the forest on his shoulders and I'll look out for bears while he cuts some wood. AIMEE: I would like my Valentine to be wearing a top hat and a monocle. Nothing says 'I'm a proper gentleman' like a top hat and a monocle. Not enough men wear monocles these days......wait, I just Googled modern day monocle wearer and I'm not so sure anymore. It's actually kinda creepy. PAUL: When searching for my Valentine, I like to channel Jill Tyrell from 'Nighty Night' - "Ideally, I'm looking for dark hair, a red jumper and quite a large face." ALEX: I would like my Valentine to be wearing…a monkey suit or any animal suit to be honest as long as it's harem and you have a frenchie with you while wearing it (yes that's Merv!). SHEVONE: ... There's something about the way he wears that turtle neck. Have you got anymore you'd like to add?