Wear it LARGE!

Wear it LARGE!

Here at Lazy Oaf we're totally feeling the summer vibe with our new Wear it Large T's for girls ready to tuck into ripped denim shorts or wear loose over leggings. Available in 6 designs including an extra special cropped version, these are all one big size. Want to get yourself to the top of the class? Well why not try out our new array of clear lens Hot for my Teacher glasses waiting for you in 3 tempting colours. And finally don't miss our 2 brand new Men's T-shirt including Moustache Man now in pale pink and mint green and our new furry friend the Word Bear. Also if there is going to be one sweatshirt that get's you through the last of the rainy months it should be our new Let's go Bananas one for girls. So what are you waiting for? Get clicking and let us know what you love! x