WEB EDIT with….Arvida Byström

WEB EDIT with….Arvida Byström

Welcome to the Web Edit, our new blog feature that gives a casual glimpse into the virtual life’s of our favourite young creatives. We’re celebrating all the weird and wonderful material that informs their work process and lifestyle. Whether its guilty pleasure gifs , Tumblr addictions or the latest obsession in their online basket, we’ve got it clicked. We’ll be regularly updating you with Internet culture recommendations from artists, photographers, musicians and the it-kids of the blogosphere. First up, www.’s favourite feminist, the model and photographer Arvida Bystrom… Please introduce yourself… I'm  Arvida Byström. Stockholm raised and London based, mainly doing photography but I slide in to other art forms as well. Object obsession… Phone. Computer. The clothing … Anything you can cycle in. Plans for Spring? Doing my own projects. I really want to work on some private things. I think that would really make me a bit less whiny and more happy and content with life. Online inspiration … okikata.org/work Today’s Tumblr … I am a bit to obsessed with my hair changing so it would be My Little Pony Hair. Current curiosity? Beyoncé's new album Paradise is … Norwegian Fjords. Photo favourite… Song Addiction… I can't do it alone by TC crew and Pass This On... Emma wears the Bollocks T-shirt and Bugs Bottoms.