What a Fox

What a Fox

Understandably, foxes have a little bit of a bad rep at the moment but how could you not want to get your hands on this cute little forest friend? Far from fearful, this bushy-tailed fox has come straight out of a fairy tail book ready to bring a bit of woodland magic into your lives.

This one had a a little adventure down in Islington yesterday afternoon.

He got a tad shy.

But then he leaped into the washing machine for his annual clean. Yes he is machine washable too.

This jersey cotton Foxy Cushion is great for keeping you company on the sofa, brightening up your bed or acting as the perfect head rest for any long journeys you have ahead of you.

And what better way to sit down for a night of utter television indulgence than with this Say What cushion covered in fitting phrases including 'Sitting Down is Nice' and 'Television Rules my Life'?

And now we have everyone's favourite set of bulging eyeballs and grinning nashers back in cushion form but this time available in blue. This is the best cushion to hide behind in order to scare your housemates with in the morning when they are trying to get you out of bed!

These cushions have been hand crafted from the original Lazy Oaf designs and are totally limited edition so if you would like one then be sure to act fast.

Going, going, going.....gone.
