Xmas Postage Dates and Shop Opening Times

Xmas Postage Dates and Shop Opening Times
Here are the the postage dates for all internet orders if you want to get your goodies in time for Christmas, please be aware that these dates have been supplied by the Royal Mail who at present have been a tad unreliable! So please please be sure to get your orders in as soon as possible to avoid any disappointment!! We will be able to take orders over the xmas period but we will not be able to send any orders out between the 23rd of December and the 4th of Jan as we need a xmas break too! If you can make it down to our London store to pick up your Chrimbo pressies then here are the xmas opening hours: We are having a MEGA sized SALE which will launch on the 28th of December both online and in our London Store at 12pm.