You Think You're Cooler Than Me

You Think You're Cooler Than Me

OK Necklace

We've just fallen a little bit more in love with girls sport and street magazine Cooler after receiving their latest copy this morning. In this issue you can find not one, but three pages featuring some of our top jewellery pieces including the OK Necklace taking centre stage on the front cover. Look inside and you'll also discover the Neivz Girls Double Eye Ring and Bow Tie Necklace.

These jewellery pieces are being modeled by the blonde bombshell boarder babe Silje Norendal. Aged 17 from Norway, this girl will certainly make you want to jump on a board and take a trip down the Alps.

Neivz Girl Eyes Double Ring

Neivz Bow Tie Necklace

Photographs by Bella Howard.

Get your hands on a copy featuring Lazy Oaf in leading newsagents now.