10th Birthday: Pre Party

10th Birthday: Pre Party

Photos by: Sam Hiscox Last Thursday we celebrated our 10th anniversary the way any ten year old should, with loads of balloons, party hats, chocolate and decorations. We transformed the upstairs of Old Street's City Arts and Music Project into a candy coloured kingdom ready to host a night of party fun. We filled the ceiling with these delicious fruit and ice cream paper lanterns that we discovered on Party Packs. We'll definitely be buying some more of these for our own homes. When we saw all the colours of these balloons from balloon.com, we couldn't resist in blowing all 300 of them up filling the ceilings and tying them to every surface going. Each visitor on the evening was treated with a 10th anniversary catalogue, you can pick one of these up in our Fouberts Place store now. Party hats and birthday bow ties designed by Suzi Kemp covered the tables ready to get everyone into the party spirit. Our design team oafed up the place by lining the walls with a selection of limited edition prints by our designer Gemma Shiel. These chocolate burger lollies by Creighton's Chocolaterie couldn't have looked more tempting if they tried and it is no wonder that they were pretty much all gone in the first 10 minutes of opening. Gemma got handy with the POSCA pens and some oafed-up vinyl filling the windows moments before opening. You can view this window and a selection of limited edition 10th anniversary Lazy Oaf prints at the City Arts and Music Project at  70 – 74 City Rd, London, EC1Y 2BJ, nearest tube Old Street until 30th October 2011.