B-DAY Shop Shenanigans

B-DAY Shop Shenanigans
To round off our 10th Birthday celebratory week, in the shop today we have 10% off all Oaf goodies and my oh my is there loads of them at the moment. With the return of 5 classic's, 5 new special anniversary edition pieces and all the usual Lazy Oaf shizzle. So we got a bit over excited after our party Thursday night and brought the giant bunting, sparkly 10, cake and Posca pens over to the shop to carry on the party theme. Some of our 10th b-day products looking super sweet with 1% off for every year we've been going. Burger hat, mini, yes way no way, it's good to have you back and rainbow necklace you're brightening up our block already. Birthdays aren't complete without cards stacked on shelves, therefore we have a huge one that you can come write words of wisdom, happy wishes and lazy lovin' in. Lunchtime reading. Come pick up our newspaper, featuring an interview with Lazy Oaf founder Gemma Shiel, meet the team, mild nudity and our all time fave pieces. Steph's light lunch, burger cake by our friend and feeder Lucy Vanilla. Yummm does not even begin to describe. Dee wearing burgers instead of eating them. (We shared the burger cake really.) Both of us shop ladies leaving trashy (and more fatty.) Come pop in the shop to see our party window, say happy birthday and get some good reading matter.