Alex's adventure to Harry Potter World

Alex's adventure to Harry Potter World
After months of daydreaming and little screams of excitement I packed my trunk and jetted off to Orlando. There was one reason and one reason only for this and that was The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Wooooo my dream came true. After alot of people, alot of queuing and alot of sun we finally made it into Hogsmead it it was more magical than I ever imagined. Glittery snow, crooked houses, cobbled streets and real wizards, I was in heaven and sooooo excited! After some wondering around and meeting the conductor we were feeling ever so thirsty and what better way to quench your thirst than with a Butterbeer in the Hogs Head swiftly followed by lunch in the Three Broomsticks. I had fish and chips, how very English. What a dream lunch date...if only I had of been with Snape! For the rest of the afternoon we leisurely munched sweeties in Honey Dukes, drank pumpkin juice and alot more butterbeer, tried out wands in Ollivanders, tried on cloaks in Dervish and banges, sent a letter from the owlery, popped into Hagrids hut and rode the dueling dragons rollarcoasters. Giant punkins woo! The highlight of my day was HOGWARTSSSS. It was so amazing and when I saw it for the first time I actually screamed and cried abit! what a geek! The ride inside it was rad and you got to fly and play Quidditch and fight Dementors. woooo! Basically this day was up there in my Top 5 days EVER (along with seeing Tina Turner)! Definitely worth the 9 hour plane trip and now being totally broke! I LOVED IT!!!!! The rest of the holiday was super fun as well. We ate far too much American bad for you food, fed gators steak, met an astronaut, tried on alot of funny hats and saw a rhino well close. Need to start saving for my next adventure...hmm where shall i go next???? x