The King of all Burgers

The King of all Burgers
Sitting in the lazy oaf studio with the smell of Kelly's cafe drifting up through the window makes me want fast food and fried delights everyyyy day. Especially now...(i think)! While bored on a motorway adventure and after googling eating competitions I discovered Joey Chestnut! Not only did he eat 68 hotdogs in 10 minutes but he also put away a 'Heart attack Grill' Quadruple Bypass Burger in 1min 42 secs! What is this i hear you ask well let me introduce you to the Heart attack grill!!! Today i fancy a 8,000 calorie burger...well here you go! Enjoy. The Heart attack grill is a hospital themed burger joint where nurses serve you in rather scantilly clad outfits. Dr Jon examines you and you recieve a hospital band with your order on it. The menu is an amazing choice of various size bypass burgers, fries cooked in pure lard, coke with real sugar and fags with no filter...yummy! The best thing is, if you weigh over 350 pounds you eat for free! I want to go sooo bad! It is so shockingly bad for you they have weelchairs to push you out! Lets all arrange a Lazy Oaf holiday and check this joint out. Right I'm hungry whats for lunch! x