Twist Of Fete!!

Twist Of Fete!!
que.jpg Sooo we did it, we proved that we really could end the summer in style and even the sun showed his shiny face for us! Yes, last night saw the extra special occasion of Lazy Oaf’s Twist of Fete where we witnessed goodie bag scrambling, game competing and homemade cake nibbling (might I just add these were De-lic-ious). candy-and-nana.jpg As we prepared for our evening of fete fun decorating our shop with Oaf bunting and neon signs aplenty, we were astounded to see a sea of people queuing outside the shop. Ok we don’t blame you as the first lucky 20 of you were greeted with a rather dazzling goodie bag. Plus everyone who entered the shop was handed with a respectable stick of homemade candyfloss taking you back to fond memories at the fair covering yourself in sugar and sticking to everything. wolf.jpg But the fun didn’t end there NO. The next 3 hours exposed the competitive side in the most modest of us with eager walloping of the bat in Splat the Rat, sly eyes trying to pick out short pins in Phil Mitchell’s Magical Beard of Destiny and focussed aims throwing food into the mouth of our Hungry Wolf friend. Ok so people weren’t going totally stir crazy as with every successful entry, a prize token was selected from a lucky dip and you lot won everything from pencil brooches to a t-shirt of your choice! phil.jpgcakes.jpg And no British fete would be complete without a beautiful selection of tea and cakes. Yes these cakes made by our lovely friend Vicky not only looked oh so pretty sitting on their cake stand, they also tasted magnificent, mmm send me some more now. A big, special thanks goes to Lubna at Carmella Tea’s, our very own Kingly Court tea expert who provided guests with an aromatic selection of teas for the perfect pick me up. tea.jpg To really go Wacko for Jacko in sync with his 50th birthday and our new t-shirt, we set up our own cut-out Michael teamed with the late Monkey; Bubbles (may he R.I.P). Snapping pictures of pairs all night, this really got cheekbones flexing and some impressive monkey impressions were pulled out of the bag, unfortunately without the sound effects to match. jacko.jpgjacko2.jpg May we also say a whopping great thank you to Gemma (who ran our store full of Oaf hungry shoppers) Sarah (who looked too good dressed in a banana suit), Katie and Alex (for being PRO candyfloss makers), Melanie (for keeping Phil’s beard occupied), Lottie (who has now found her calling in tattoo design), Polly (for spending the night dodging the bat in splat the rat), Jerry (our Oaf paparazzi), Zoe (for making and guarding the very hungry wolf) and last but by no means least ALL of you fete attendees who joined in with the nights fun and checked out our new collection.