Where Have You Bean?

Where Have You Bean?
BEAN-TITLE.jpgTHEBEANBAGS.jpg Wowee take a look at what we got to slouch around on last week – our very own Lazy Oaf bean bag friends with little pouffes of magic to match. These big bundles of oaf fun were soo incredibly comfortable and cute that we literally couldn’t leave them alone. Unfortunately they are not here to stay; we got them made up for our brand new custom installation for the Grand Merit Department Store in China. We are certainly sad to see them go although maybe it is for the best as they are so cosy that we would never want to go back to our desks….To go alongside Mr and Mrs Bean are our homemade, multi-coloured raindrops who are either leaping with joy from the clouds or feeling gloomy that it’s raining again. As we had a couple left over, we decided to put them on sale in our Kingly Court shop so you might be able to get your hands on one if you are a Speedy Gonzales. SITTING-HAVING-TEA.jpgRAINDROPS.jpg